Securing Your Website: A Guide to Generating SSL Certificates with Certbot and Let's Encrypt"
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how to achieve Certificate provided by letsencrypt.
You will be having a simple ubuntu webserver running
Here, let's install nginx in it.
sudo apt update
install certbot
sudo apt install certbot python3-certbot-nginx
The following additional packages will be installed:
python3-acme python3-certbot python3-configargparse python3-icu python3-josepy
python3-parsedatetime python3-requests-toolbelt python3-rfc3339
python3-zope.component python3-zope.event python3-zope.hookable
Suggested packages:
python-certbot-doc python3-certbot-apache python-acme-doc
The following NEW packages will be installed:
certbot python3-acme python3-certbot python3-certbot-nginx
python3-configargparse python3-icu python3-josepy python3-parsedatetime
python3-requests-toolbelt python3-rfc333
Check the nginx running status,
sudo systemctl status nginx
If not enable and start the nginx server
sudo systemctl enable nginx && sudo systemctl start nginx
Now send request for certificate to issue from certbot
sudo certbot --nginx -d <domain name>
It’ll ask for email id, provide them, and agree! and that will send us the notification in email confirm it.
It’ll show a message in the cli itself as
Successfully received certificate, once we were provided with a certificate from letsencrypt.
Now edit the cron job of refreshing the certificate according to our need.with,
sudo crontab -e
Successfully deployed certificate for <domain name> to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/def
Congratulations! You have successfully enabled HTTPS on https://<domain name>
Check now,